Do you trust your taste buds?
Take the Barone Fini #TasteChallenge
Participate in virtual tasting event and you could win a trip for two to Venice, Italy!
Count Giovanni Bonmartini-Fini and WineTwits would like to invite you and your friends to participate in an online blind taste challenge on Thursday, March 24 from 8:00-8:30PM EST. Count Bonmartini-Fini (member of the legendary Fini family that has been making wine for more than 500 years in Italy) will personally guide you through the tasting.
WineTwits will supply you with a customized tasting kit, including two bottles of premium Pinot Grigio (with identities concealed) and a login code so you can watch, taste and tweet, along with other tastemakers from around the country.
For more info: